Shubh + Laabh Jewellery Stores

If there is one company that is aggressive in the retail space and likely to take Nita Ambani head on is, Rajesh Exports, promoters of Shubh and Laabh Jewelery Retail Stores in India.

We decided to compare both the stores and their offerings and here is the outcome of our field study.

  • Shubh for Value conscious while Laabh is for the Fashion conscious.
  • Shubh – Targeted at Tier I, II and III cities while Laabh is targeted at Metros, Tier I and II (more…)

The Great Indian Consumerism

Exclusive Research on Indian ConsumerismOur retail Analyst has once again done an impeccable job in researching about the Great Indian Consumerism.

India, today is the fourth largest and second fastest growing economy in the world. The Indian working class base is getting wider with deeper pay pockets as well. As income grows, propensity to save drops – USA a case in point.

Indian consumer always thought that Debt was a burden. (more…)

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